Allotments rule book

What you need to do and the rules you need to follow when you rent an allotment from us.

Allotment rent and fee increases

Find out about yearly increases to allotment rent and the waiting list administration fee.

Allotment co-workers

How to register a co-worker to your allotment, and request to transfer your plot to a co-worker.

Get an accessible allotment

An accessible allotment plot is divided into small raised beds with a hard surface underneath. If you have a disability or you need physical rehabilitation, you could rent an allotment plot.

Apply for an allotment

Apply for an allotment from the council, pricing and concessions.

Waiting lists for allotments

Find your nearest allotment site, check plot availability and waiting times.

Allotment plot types

We have plots of different sizes, from 25 to 250 square metres. We also have smaller plots for people with restricted mobility.