Low-cost, second-hand school uniform

Find out how to get low-cost, second-hand school uniforms for your child, which helps reduce the environmental impact of buying new clothes.

Scheme for financing schools

A detailed description of the funding framework which replaces Local Management of Schools is based on the legislative provisions in sections 45-53 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

View the illustrative budget model

Illustrative Budget Model With Increase in Low Attainment Unit Rate to NFF Level for 2020/21 academic year

Budget model KS3 and KS4 AWPU Rates

Excel table showing the AWPU rates for KS3 and KS4 for the 2020/21 academic year.

School coordinated admission schemes

The school admission schemes for primary, secondary and infant schools we have in place to help your child get a place.

School admissions consultation

Details of our consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2025 to 2026.

How schools are funded to support children with SEND

Your child's school or college may be able to apply for funding to support your child with special educational needs and disabilities.

Pupil referral units in Brighton & Hove

Specialist schools in Brighton & Hove for children 5 to 16 years old who find it difficult to access education at school.

Contact a Brighton & Hove school

How to get in touch with infant, junior, primary and secondary schools and colleges in the city